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cold rolling
Due to no heating in the production process, there are no defects such as pitting and iron oxide scale often occurred in hot rolling, with good surface quality and high finish. Moreover, the dimensional accuracy of cold rolled products is high, and the performance and structure of products can meet some special application requirements, such as electromagnetic performance, deep drawing performance and so on.
Product features
Low carbon steel is mainly used. It is required to have good cold bending and welding properties and certain stamping properties. Cold rolled sheet has clean and bright surface, easy coating processing, many varieties and wide uses. At the same time, it has the characteristics of high stamping performance, non aging and low yield point. Therefore, cold rolled sheet has a wide range of uses. It is mainly used in industries such as automobile, printed iron barrel, construction, building materials and bicycle. At the same time, it is also the best material for the production of organic coated steel plate.
Common executive standards and materials
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